Izdelki za nastavitev - a (13)

Ubstructure Alumero Trapezoidna Plošča Most Varnostni Set Plus - SHOP

Ubstructure Alumero Trapezoidna Plošča Most Varnostni Set Plus - SHOP

With the Alumero lightweight elevation, you can increase the module inclination by 5 – 7° (depending on the arrangement of the module) with trapezoidal sheet metal roofing. With only a slight roof pitch, this can noticeably increase the yield and the self-cleaning effect of the modules. The increased installation results in larger row spacing. The lightweight trapezoidal sheet elevation is based on a stronger version of the proven Alumero trapezoidal sheet metal rail with a length of 400 mm. ITEM NUMBER:MO-540
Usposabljanje - Merjenje

Usposabljanje - Merjenje

In these training courses, we teach the basics of the various measurement techniques, the selection and use of suitable measuring instruments as well as the evaluation of measurement data. The following topics are taught in concrete terms: Fundamentals and concepts of measurement technology; measurands and units; Traceability; Technologies; Signal conversion and digitalization; Selection and use of suitable measuring instruments. In addition to the general overview training, we also offer specific training courses on measurement technology for the following measurands: Temperature; Pressure; Flow (volume and mass flow); Force and elongation; Distance and velocity; Oscillation. By arrangement, you can design the training according to your wishes! We are happy to respond to your individual questions and concerns. Since we regularly expand our training portfolio, please contact us if the metric you are looking for is not listed.
Mojster Nastavitve - Standard Nastavitve - Standard Uporabe

Mojster Nastavitve - Standard Nastavitve - Standard Uporabe

Einstellmeister der Firma OPW sind hochgenau und maßhaltig. Egal ob Kurbelwellen, Getriebegehäuse oder einfachere Geometrien, diese Meister sind das Maß aller Dinge. In ihrer Geometrie dem Werkstück nachempfundene und bis auf einen Tausendstel Millimeter genau gefertigte Einstelllehren heißen bei uns Einstellmeister – weil sie als Referenzteil das Maß aller Dinge bilden. Einstellmeister Einstellstück Messmeister Nullmeister Normal Einstellnormal Gebrauchsnormal Kalieber Nullkaliber Einstellkaliber Kalibriermeister Kalibrierwelle Einstellwelle Einstellscheibe Einstellmaß Einstellring Referenzring Eichmeister Kalibrierkörper
unipo Set za Razstavljanje - unipo Set za Razstavljanje

unipo Set za Razstavljanje - unipo Set za Razstavljanje

Display-Ersatzlösungen von unipo® In unserem Online-Shop können Sie Display-Ersatzlösungen unserer Eigenmarke unipo® zu der Produktreihe UFD wie folgt erwerben: Zum Kauf als generalüberholtes Ersatzteil oder Neuteil Als produktüberholende Reparatur oder zur Reinigung & Überprüfung Auf Anfrage bieten wir Ihnen auch gerne einen Vor-Ort-Service inkl. telefonischen Support an. Unser umfangreiches Ersatzteillager mit über 100.000 sofort abrufbaren Baugruppen ermöglicht eine schnelle Ersatzteilversorgung mit geringen Maschinen-Ausfallkosten für unsere Kunden. Bei produktüberholenden Reparaturen sowie beim Kauf von generalüberholten Ersatzteilen und Neuteilen bei Display-Ersatzlösungen unserer Eigenmarke unipo® erhalten Sie 24 Monate Gewährleistung* auf die komplette HMI- oder IPC-Lösung.
Nega Set Iz Nerjavečega Jekla P1559E

Nega Set Iz Nerjavečega Jekla P1559E

Pflegeset für Edelstahlbeschläge sehr gut geeignet für alle Edelstahloberflächen Inhalt: 50 ml Sichtbare Fleckenbildung, z.B. durch Anfassen (Fingerabdrücke, Handschweiß), werden durch Auftragen dieses Mittels vermieden. P1559E mit weichem Tuch auftragen, kurz einwirken lassen und dann mit trockenem, weichen Tuch abputzen. Die unsichtbaren Mikroporen der Oberfläche sind wieder versiegelt.
ImageBlack Set L 1300
Sestavlja se iz:
EPSON L 1300
FilmMaker 10 RIP Software
L1300 DoubleInk MasterKit
ImageBlack Premium A4

ImageBlack Set L 1300 Sestavlja se iz: EPSON L 1300 FilmMaker 10 RIP Software L1300 DoubleInk MasterKit ImageBlack Premium A4

Mit dem ImageBlack-Set L1300 wird das Erstellen von professionellen Belichtungsvorlagen nun noch flexibler und effizienter.
10 kW Hibridni Sončni Komplet z Sistemom za Shranjevanje Energije v Baterijah - TRGOVINA

10 kW Hibridni Sončni Komplet z Sistemom za Shranjevanje Energije v Baterijah - TRGOVINA

EPP hybrid solar systems consist of EPP solar panels, hybrid inverters and storage capacities that enable you to store solar energy and use it when you are at home when the grid goes out. The ability to store and use the solar energy when desired is called self-consumption. ITEM NUMBER:EPP-HYB-ST-10
Podstruktura K2 Minirail Set (tičnica vključno s vijaki) - TRGOVINA

Podstruktura K2 Minirail Set (tičnica vključno s vijaki) - TRGOVINA

The K2 MiniRail Set is suitable for installing a photovoltaic system on trapezoidal sheet metal roofs. The innovative short rail system is statically optimized and quick and easy to assemble. The module alignment and module clamping is universal. ITEM NUMBER:MO-6037
Podstruktura K2 Singlerail 36 Komplet priključkov - TRGOVINA

Podstruktura K2 Singlerail 36 Komplet priključkov - TRGOVINA

The rail connector is supplied in a set with the associated screws and is part of the K2 SingleRail system for pitched roofs. The connecting element connects two rails and is made of aluminium. ITEM NUMBER:MO-6083
Podstruktura K2 S-dome 6.10 Osnovna tirnica v kompletu, 1.45m - SHOP

Podstruktura K2 S-dome 6.10 Osnovna tirnica v kompletu, 1.45m - SHOP

The base rail for the S-Dome 6.10 system from K2 is suitable for south-facing flat roofs. It is made of aluminum and is 1.45 meters long. The base rail set is delivered pre-assembled including end plate, dome SD and mat. The Mat S consists of EPDM and absorbs or compensates for tolerances. High coefficients of friction reduce the ballast. ITEM NUMBER:MO-6214
Podstruktura K2 Minifive Fix Set - SHOP

Podstruktura K2 Minifive Fix Set - SHOP

The K2 MiniRail Set is suitable for installing a photovoltaic system on trapezoidal sheet metal roofs. The innovative short rail system is statically optimized and quick and easy to assemble. The module alignment and module clamping is universal ITEM NUMBER:MO-6080
Podstruktura K2 D-dome 6.10 Osnovna tirnica v kompletu, 2.25 M - SHOP

Podstruktura K2 D-dome 6.10 Osnovna tirnica v kompletu, 2.25 M - SHOP

The base rail for the D-Dome 6.10 system from K2 is suitable for flat roofs with an east-west elevation. It is made of aluminum and is 2.25 meters long. The base rail set is delivered pre-assembled including end plate, dome SD and mat. ITEM NUMBER:MO-6237
12 kW hibridni solarni komplet s sistemom za shranjevanje energije v baterijah - TRGOVINA

12 kW hibridni solarni komplet s sistemom za shranjevanje energije v baterijah - TRGOVINA

EPP hybrid solar systems consist of EPP solar panels, hybrid inverters and storage capacities that enable you to store solar energy and use it when you are at home when the grid goes out. The ability to store and use the solar energy when desired is called self-consumption.s ITEM NUMBER:EPP-HYB-ST-12